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THE TROUBADOUR PODCAST - The Premier Red Dirt, Texas Country and Independent Music Podcast

Feb 16, 2020

Drew Fish

Drew Fish comes from a musical family and was hanging out with legends in the Texas Music Scene like producer Lloyd Maines before he even considered a career in music.

After being called on-stage to help Cory Morrow sing one of his signature tunes, “Drink One More Round”, Drew knew he was hooked...

Feb 9, 2020

As songwriters, we’re really nothing more than storytellers who add music to our various tales.  That’s where it all begins for me – “stories”.  Stories about lost love, gained love, unreciprocated love.  Stories about depression, happiness and amazing larger than life characters.  And on top of that...

Feb 2, 2020

Every now and then in the course of my life I’ve came across talented people and I’m literally shocked that up to that point, I’d never heard of them or been aware of their work.  Carin Mari was one of those cases for me. 

The first time I saw Carin play I was almost a little awestruck.  I’d went to enjoy one of...